El dibujo de línea me llevó 1 hs aproximadamente, con microfibra 005 y 01. Luego 30 o 40 minutos de acuarela, todo en el sitio. Hecho en hoja suelta de 300gms.
On Wednesday 9/17/14 had the day off and went to draw. I had several options, and I went to Retiro neighbour. I did not know what to draw, so I walked for a while until I saw the Usina Tres Sargentos of the Italo Argentina de Electricidad firm. To draw on L. N. Alem Av. is a problem, there are a lot of traffic, but on Tres Sargentos Passage, which in recent years is pedestrian is ideal. Besides in this street is the tower of the group.
The linework took about 1 hour, done with fineliners 005 and 01. Added watercolors for 30/40 more minutes. All done on location. Drawn in 300gms sheet.
El: 17/9/14, On:9/17/14 - aca/here
Luego de dibujar la Usina Tres Sargentos me fui directo al Palacio Paz. Me habia quedado con las ganas de la salida #39 de Croquiseros Urbanos de Buenos Aires a Plaza San Martín. Como es de mi costumbre decidí dibujar la mansarda. El dibujo de línea me llevó 1:30 hs aproximadamente, con microfibra 005 y 01. Luego acuarela en mi escritorio. Hecho en hoja suelta de 300gms.
After sketching at the Usina Tres Sargentos, I went directly to the Palacio Paz. Since the #39 Croquiseros Urbanos de Buenos Aires outing to Plaza San Martín I left with the desire to draw this building, as my habit dictated me to draw the mansard. The linework took about 1:30 hours, done with fineliners 005 and 01. Later added watercolors @ my desk. Drawn in 300gms sheet.
El: 17/9/14, On:9/17/14 - aca/here
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