Dibujé por 1:30 hs con lapicera Kaweco con punta EF con tinta resistente al agua marrón. Fue mi primer croquis con esta tinta. Lamentablemente cuando pasas la acuarela, esta toma el color de la tinta, no se llega a correr pero tiñe los pases de acuarela.
Sobre libreta Moleskine Large, y acuarelas en casa.
On Thursday 9/4/14 I went for a walk along Av. de Mayo to see what I could draw, and I stopped at this building at the 776. It has a topping that I really like. I had already drawn it, but the result was not to my liking. Luckily there's a bench across the street and with more luck it was free.
I sketched for 1:30 hs with Kaweco fountain pen with EF nib with brown water resistant ink. It was my first sketch with this ink. Unfortunately the watercolor is tinted with the passes over the ink.
On Moleskine sketchbook large, later watercolors @ my desk.
El: 7/9/14, On:9/4/14 - aca/here
Muy buen trabajo Fede!.
ResponderEliminarthis is beautiful. I love the progress photos.